Friday, March 17, 2006


Here is my read: things can't go on like this much longer. There just seems to be this feeling in the culture like something HAS TO CHANGE. I have no idea what it is that will change or how serious it might be but it really reminds me of when I was a senior in high school and I could not wait to get the hell out of there.

The other thing I'm noticing lately is the surreal nature of what is ocurring at all levels of American society. It's as if as if the entire culture is becoming either Las Vegas or one of those "superchurches" and in many cases some amalgam of both at the same time! America is becoming more bizarre by the minute.

Now that I think of it the Republican Congress does seem like some church group that decided to go to Vegas to testify and evangelize with heathens (I think for them that would be liberals) and wound up spending tons of money, drugging and whoring instead. I'm speaking metaphorically of course (except for the spending lots of money part).

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