Thursday, September 14, 2006


I can see the film clips now: Bush talking about WMD's in Iraq, Rumsfeld saying we have more than enough troops, Cheney snarling and Rove... well .. skulking somewhere. Oh it will be HILARIOUS. Someday.

It's incredible the lengths that the mainstream propaganda machine(formerly known as the media)will go to excuse the actions of this wayward bunch of prolonged adolesents. We do love our bad boys in this country, don't we?

It is however an unfortunate reality that adolescents, and adolescent boys in particular have this habit of causing car wrecks. Most make it out of their teen years withought killing themselves or someone else, but a certain percentage...

Which brings me back to the Christobusinessfascist gang occupying the White House at present. They really need to have their licenses suspended for everybody's sake. I don't really know how to put this any more clearly: WE NEED GROWN-UPS RUNNING THE COUNTRY!!!

It's great that a lot of people (friends of the administration) are making a bunch of money on this gig but people are dying and we're less safe as a country and as general inhabitants of planet earth. Logical arguments seem to have the same effect as discussions with hormone driven teens (in fairness to any teen type person reading this you're not all hormone driven and even when you are its not all the time - unlike, apparently, the current administration)blank stares and being told that we just don't understand.

We need to learn a lesson in this country and that is that chronological age, pedigree, religious affiliations - none of these things have any bearing on emotional maturity. That is something that can not be purchased with Daddy's oil money. You have to earn it.

It is increasingly apparent that the President has not. And I for one don't like being in the back seat of this car with him driving.

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